Business Partners » Business Partners

Business Partners

Dear Business Partners,

Have you ever wished that education would take time to listen to your needs? To understand your industry? To better prepare the workforce for your company?

That day is here. It is at Kern High now! In fact, our new website, dedicated to preparing our students for your workplace, is actually titled

KHSD now offers 400+ courses in Career Technical Education (CTE). These are more than just the “shop classes” of old (although they are still here). We now offer programs in all 15 Industry Sectors recognized by the state. The rigor for these classes is high, many offer simultaneous college credit, and all are taught by industry-trained professionals who have also earned their California teaching credential. However, despite our stellar teaching staff having industry experience, one thing remains critical for our students’ ultimate success … YOU!

Each program is guided by a specific Industry Advisory Committee. These are local groups made up of business partners like you. They meet bi-annually to review program curriculum, report on industry trends, and review program needs. Their recommendations become the foundation of our CTE programs.

Of course we depend on our Business Partners for much more than two meetings a year. Opportunities abound to be a guest speaker, train a no-cost/no-obligation student intern, tour our various campuses, and, of course, hire our students.

Ultimately, our CTE programs are a direct reflection of our local business partners and their needs. To cement this commitment, we are pleased to have Erin Hodson serving as your direct conduit to KHSD’s CTE programs. As our coordinator for Work Based Learning, she can put you in touch with any of our programs. Please feel free to call Erin at (661) 396-4430 or email her at [email protected].

We encourage you to explore to see the dynamic CTE programs offered by KHSD. We believe you will be pleasantly surprised that education is ready to listen to you!